The Transformed Personality Part 2

Romans 12:2 
And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. 

You are welcome to a fresh new day, which you shall surely Excel in Excellence. …Continuation 

Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honourable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise...(NAS). ...think on and weigh and take account of these things [fix your mind on them] _Philippians 4:8 (Amplified). In our previous post, things a transformed personality should set his/her mind on were itemised. So in today's devotion the tips continues; things to think about as a transformed personality: 

V. Whatever Is Lovely Love is a beautiful thing. I mean “love" in its real sense. Not all the misconception about love in our today's world. Thinking about Whatever is lovely, means setting your mind on things that are nice; wonderful; excellent; extraordinary; lovable and filled with ‘God' because God Is Love

VI. Whatever Is Of Good Repute 
Every average thinking human being on earth, wants to have a good reputation. No one wants to be known for something very bad, (except few evil geniuses). So the scripture says whatever will bring to you good repute, that is what you should dwell your thought on. 

VII. Things Of Excellence 
The scripture says if there is any excellence in it at all, then think about it. A transformed personality is expected to be a source of excellence to his environs. 

VIII. Things Worthy Of Praise 
Whatever you will do and men will be glad you did and they will be bold and willing to say thank you. Such, is what you should set your mind on. Just like previously noted, that a transformed personality is an individual of a transformed character, with a progressive mind. And such individual has to: 1. Imbibe a rightful thinking.  
2. BE SINCERE (Developing Sincerity) 
Be sincere always, most especially to yourself. It reveals your true state and emptiness in your heart. It is like beholding yourself in the mirror and telling yourself the truth about yourself. Sincerity is the comparative state of perfection in character formation on earth. I may not be perfect but I am sincere. There are 3 angles to sincerity:   
  1. Sincerity to God 
  2. Sincerity to Yourself & 
  3. Sincerity to Others
You may deceive others but cannot deceive God and yourself. No man can tell you the truth you will tell yourself. Sincerity kills pride and it is a gateway to humility. Romans 12:3 says: “For I say, through the grace given to me, to everyone who is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think…" It also helps you to relate to your fellow individuals all over, around you. In the aspect of your thinking, it directs you also, to think soberly and not to think of yourself more highly than you ought to. Dear reader, my prayer is for us to be transformed into who God predestined us to be, by renewing our mind daily. There by having a Progressive Mind. Amen! 
From the desk of the 
#Excel In Excellence 
#Extracted from The Progressive Mind.


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