TEXT: Psalms 24:3-6

And saviors shall come up on mount Zion to judge the mount of Esau; and the kingdom shall be the LORD's.

Every country need ambassadors who will represent the interest of their countries in other foreign countries. The ambassador are the image builders of their countries in other foreign countries where they are. From our above text there was a question of who shall ascend into the hill of the LORD? Or who shall stand in his holy place? This is a question that is directly talking about Kingdom Ambassadors. So before we go into the scriptural point of view let us see the definition of who an ambassador is from the dictionary stand. 

Who is an Ambassador?
According to the BBC English Dictionary, the word Ambassador was defined as; someone who is sent to a foreign country as the chief representative of his or her government.
The mobile English Dictionary defined it as:
1.     A minister of the highest rank sent to a foreign court to represent there his sovereign or country.
2.     An official messenger and representative.
3.     A corporate representative, often the public face of the company.
From the above definitions we can deduce a clear and proper definition of who a kingdom ambassador is.

Definition of ‘The Kingdom Ambassadors’
The Kingdom Ambassadors are ministers and chief representatives of the most powerful, righteous, peaceful, joyous, and Holy Ghost influenced domain of God ruled by our Lord Jesus Christ, sent to the earth to introduce and establish the unbeatable system of the kingdom they represent.

According to our text above, the bible gave the following requirements for the kingdom ambassadors which include:
1.     All kingdom ambassadors should have the righteousness of the God of their salvation _Vs 5: Any kingdom ambassador who is righteous in his/her own eyes is not fit for the kingdom. Because we are not saved by our own strength. For by grace are ye saved through faith in the finished work of Calvary _Ephesians 2:8.
2.     All kingdom ambassadors should be able to ascend into the hill of God or stand in his holy place _Vs 3: The death of Christ gave every believer access into the presence of God (Romans5:2). Therefore for you to be an effective ambassador of the most high God, you should be able to stand in his holy place to hear from him and prepare you to be able to represent the interest of the kingdom here on earth.
3.     All kingdom ambassadors should be men and women of clean hands _Vs 4a. To have clean hands is not to be a partaker of any evil plots of any kind, whether for selfish reasons, friendship reasons or family reasons (Proverbs 6:17).
4.     All kingdom ambassadors should be men and women of pure hearts _Vs 4a. To have a pure heart is to have a heart that does not device wicked imaginations _Proverbs 6:18, it is also a heart that is being worked on to have always a conscience void to offence towards God and towards men _ Acts 24:16.
5.     All kingdom ambassadors should be men and women who have not lifted up their souls to vanity _Vs 4b. The amplified version says “…who has not lifted himself up to falsehood or to what is false,” Falsehood can destroy the mission of an ambassador. Therefore any man or woman with falsehood can never be a kingdom ambassador, likewise anyone who has set his/her heart in pursuing vanity can never represent the kingdom’s interest here on earth. (Ref: Hosea 4:17).
6.     All kingdom ambassadors should be men and women of their words _Vs 4c. Let your YES be your YES and let your NO be your NO _Matthew 5:27.
7.     All kingdom ambassadors should be seekers of God and not seekers of themselves _Vs 6 (Matthew 6:33).

Finally from our KPS we can conclude by saying that all kingdom ambassadors should view themselves as saviors who have come up on mount Zion to judge the mount of Esau (to judge the worldly mountains/systems of this age), and the kingdom shall be the LORD’s.

. 1. Write out / recite the KPS of this study without consulting this study or the bible (2 marks).
  2. State 4 expected requirements of the kingdom ambassadors (4 marks).
  3. Who is a kingdom ambassador (2 marks). 
 4. Explain in 3 lines of write up what our number 7 KA requirement means (2 marks).
 (Extracted from House Of Excellers School of Ministry Course Tittled: DEVELOPING KINGDOM AMBASSADORSHIP) 


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