1st Peter 2:2
"As new born babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby"

The Church and the world of today have misunderstood christian maturity. The world today misinterprets constant religious activities and packaging as spiritual maturity. While the church of today has misinterpreted not just spiritual/religious packaging and activities (commitment to service, fasting and praying, dressing in a particular manner) but also Charismatic Exuberance (ability to carry congregation along in spiritual activities; like preaching, moderating, singing or acting ability to make programs lively etc, ), Ministerial Performances (becoming a Pastor, Prophet, Evangelist, Teacher, Apostle, Bishop, Reverend Minister, Deacons, Deaconesses, Head of Departments etc) and manifestation of Spiritual Gifts (ability to; speak in tongues, pray, recite scriptures, quote bible verses, prophesy, do miracles etc) as spiritual maturity.

But my brethren i have come to understand that all the listed spiritual features are important for your process of growth but we have been deceived to think that is all of it, where as it's not the spiritual basics of what heaven is expecting from us.

Let us consider our text again. I paraphrase: just like new born babies, crave for their milk uncontrollably, so also we should hunger and crave uncontrollably for the sincere milk of the word. I have heard many ministers preach that milk is for babes and strong bones/meat is for mature ones, thereby misinterpreting 1st Peter 2:2. In agree completely, but there is a missing link, and that is the point where Apostle Peter said in his epistle, desire the sincere milk in the word that ye may grow thereby. Which means it takes milk to grow fast and better. So to grow in the Spirit, we need to keep looking for the sincere milk in God's word, even if your Pastor is forcing a so called "mature bone" through your throat all in the name of making you mature, please after all his performance and show, pick up the bible and look for those simple and powerful word from God's mouth, drink it like a milk and let your growth continue.

please take note in the Spiritual realm we keep growing , so do not cut short your growth thinking you have come to full maturity. Watch out for the part 2 of this series.

From the desk of the #Chiefexceller Excel In Excellence.


  1. The sincere milk if not desired and taken will always lead to stunted growth both in the physical and the spiritual realm.


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