Knowing Jesus The Christ Pt. 1

Matthew  16:13-17
13. When Jesus came into the coasts of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, saying, Whom do men say that I the Son of man am? 
14. And they said, Some say that thou art John the Baptist: some, Elias; and others, Jeremias, or one of the prophets.
15. He saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am? 
16. And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.
17. And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven.

I came across a post on 14062016, about 'Jesus', written by one of Nigeria's famous circular musician and entertainer. He titled it: "This My Jesus Sef" and he was of the opinion that you don't need to be born again to know Jesus. These were part of his exact written words; I quote:

"I have a few things in common with this man from Nazareth, you can safely say that I am intrigued by Jesus. Why?
Believe me, it has nothing to do with being born again. So don't get it twisted... Let me say this, I don't trust most pastors, I don't trust most Christians, I not too sure about religion, I don't even trust the new wave churches. But I trust the guy Jesus. It is my
contention that Jesus did not die for us (contrary to the Catholic church) but, instead he lived for us for he was indeed a determined revolutionary and an evolutionary forerunner for a state of love and soul consciousness which is also deepest within each one of us, no matter the gragra."


Those were some part of his write ups concerning Jesus, which he claims, he knows him better than many who talks about him.

Men and brethren after reading that post I begin to pity for many of our brothers and sisters who are just attending the Church of Christ in various denominations without knowing The Christ of the Church. Because what that man wrote looks moral, looks like he is supporting Jesus but my dear believe me when I tell you that the the demarcation between true doctrine and false doctrine is a very, very tin line. Many so called Christians were supporting him in their comments, I feel like weeping for the Ignorance of today's church. I feel compelled inwardly to share the revelation I had about this scripture, in a time like this.

Please no matter what you do or think always bear in your mind that your definition about Jesus has nothing to do with Jesus really, it only has something to do with you. Because until your definition aligns with who Jesus really is, you can never know him. And the funniest thing about it all, is that Jesus will never correct you, if you are wrong. But if you eventually venture into knowing the right definition of Who he really is, you will hear His voice confirming it in your heart and not your head.

Even In the days of Jesus on earth, many people had their definitions about him, and believe me, they were all good definitions, just like the one we read from that famous entertainer. Some said he was John the Baptist (one of the greatest men of that time), some said he was Prophet Elias (that is, Elijah the great Prophet who commanded raw fire from heaven), others said he must be one of the old prophets who came back to life.

My dear readers I want you to take note of the fact that Jesus never tried to correct those impressions, rather he was interested in knowing if there was anyone at all who has been able to grasp who he really is. He went further to ask his disciples about their own definition about him. Thank God for Peter; he said "THOU ART THE CHRIST, THE SON OF THE LIVING GOD"

You can read about Jesus from a book, you can research about him from anywhere, you can listen to his history from the mouth of scholars or illiterates,  you can even make your observations and gather your facts about him, from personal experiences with many Christians following or claiming to be following Jesus, but that does not make you know him. Because, knowing Jesus Christ, can not be obtained through any of the above ways. You can even read the totality of the bible and still not know Jesus Christ. You may know about a man called Jesus written down in there but you will never know about JESUS CHRIST. because until JESUS CHRIST is revealed to you, you will never know Him.

Just like in today's world many know Jesus of the bible, but they don't know JESUS CHRIST. Many people are thinking that CHRIST is the surname of Jesus. That is a very wrong thinking because the earthly surname of Jesus was Joseph (Jesus Joseph Jacob).The word CHRIST was gotten from the Greek word Christos which means THE ANOINTED. Peter said "Thou art The Christ, the son of the Living God"  which means 'thou art THE ANOINTED, the SON of the LIVING GOD', that is THE MESSIAH, THE SON OF THE LIVING GOD. He has to be the Son Of The Living God, if really you know Him, because he was being seen as the son of man. And in his question, he also referred to himself as a son of man _ (vs 13). So, you really need to know him, to be able to recognise him as the SON OF THE LIVING GOD.

Please my dear readers, being a member of a denomination or being a leader in the church community does not mean you know JESUS CHRIST. You can thrive today with a genuine hunger to know Him and the Spirit of the living God will set you up in the journey of knowing Him. Amen!

#Watch out for the Part 2 of this series.


From the desk of the
#Excel In Excellence


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