Ability To Prove The Good, The Acceptable and The Perfect Pt 2 _ The Progressive Mind

Romans  12:2
And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

Life is always presenting us with different choices. There are always various options In life on how to make life pleasant and better. And the most interesting thing about it all, is that the devil has pleasant offers. So how can one identify that which is really good for him/her?

In the 'B' part of our text, the scripture made it clear that for you to know that which is good, acceptable and perfect for you, that you must posses the ability to prove. Which means that one can actually posses the ability to prove what is good for him/her self, what is also acceptable and what is the perfect will of God for him/her self.

When it comes to proven a thing, you need to have the technical know how, to be able to discern between options and choices of life. So when it comes to the spiritual technical know how in this matter, our text gave us a clue. Which is putting your mind under the process of renewing. "...but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind..." .

Which means for one to be able to prove that which is good, acceptable and perfect for himself. He must concentrate on renewing his/her mind. If you take a good look at that word renewing, you will discover it is the word renew with the suffix ing which depicts a continuous action/process. So the renewing of the mind is a continuous process. Such a mind under renewing is what I call; The Progressive Mind. It is the mind that carries the ability to make choices.

These following tips can help prepare your mind for a better choice these season:

1. You must Understand The Mind
It is the mind that triggers thoughts or attention in an individual. If we can manage our thoughts then we can manage our mind. Your thinking affects your attitude and vice versa. "For as a man thinks in his heart so is he..."_Prov 23:7. It is the mind that emanates ones intellectual power. Understanding how the mind functions will help you a lot to manage your thinking which in turn controls the thoughts that flash into the mind.

The channels connecting our minds to the external world are our 5 senses: the eyes for sight, the ears for hearing, the skin for feelings, the tongue for taste and the nose for smelling. But the most dominant channels we must take care of are the eyes and ears because they are the greatest catalyst of perception, so we have to deliberately select and choose what to see and even hear, better still what to listen to (Note: in this perverted generation we may not be able to control completely what we hear but we have a total control of what to listen to), to enable the right thoughts, ideas and information in your memory bank of the mind which in turn aids you to build a positive imagination.

Stay glue to this series, it is a gradual process which will unveil all we need in making right choices this season. Watch out for more simplified tips in the next part of this series.


From the desk of the
#Excel In Excellence
#Extracted from the progressive mind.       


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