The Transformed Personality Part 1

Romans 12:2 
And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. 

You are welcome to a fresh new day, which you shall surely Excel in Excellence. To be transformed is to be changed completely. Renewing the mind results into a transformed personality (“be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind). Anything that affects the mind affects the personality. The Transformation of an individual may not actually affect the physical stature of the individual but must surely affect the physical outlook of such individual. In the aspect of transformation of the personality, the basic aspect of the man that is touched is the character of the individual. A transformed personality is a transformed character with a progressive mind. To be able to comprehend this truth very well, consider these keys: 

Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honourable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise...(NAS). ...think on and weigh and take account of these things [fix your mind on them] _Philippians 4:8 (Amplified). Since wrong thinking is a virus, then there is a need to replace it with rightful thinking. Although it is one of the major tools for renewing the mind, however, it goes beyond the renewing alone. It is also a vital tool for a transformed personality. A transformed personality should be very mindful of what enters the mind on daily basis. Always bear in mind that the standard of thinking is in the scripture. These tips will help guide your thinking: 

I. Whatever Is True 
Discipline yourself to always ponder on things that are true. To think on whatever is true means to think on things or humans that are real, genuine or sincere. Real things not fantasies; genuine things not fake; sincere things not lies. Think on things that are exact and accurate. Think on people that are loyal and faithful: somebody like a true friend, patriot or hero (model or mentor). Also finally fix your mind on uprightness, and proper way of life, on what is to happen, something that has to become a reality. That means thinking and developing a positive expectation. All these things are “what is true". Think on whatever is true; do not waste your time on lies, fallacies and fantasies

II. Whatever Is Honourable 
To be honourable is to be honest and seemingly. The word honourable means deserving, bringing or showing honour and respect. To think on whatever is honourable means to set your mind on things that are deserving for you to do (deserving actions). It also means pondering on actions that can bring respect and honour to you. And whatever should bring honour to you must be honest, acceptable and suitable even in the society, on these entirely, think on. Your thinking affects your attitude, so also your attitude affects your thinking and behaviour. 

III. Whatever Is Right The word right means: 
1. Complying with justice, correctness or reason; correct, just, true
2. Appropriate, perfectly suitable; fit for purpose. 
3. Healthy, sane, competent. Therefore to think on whatever is right, is to set your mind on things that are correct, just and true. It also means to set your mind on things that are appropriate, perfectly suitable and fit for divine purpose for your life. It further means setting your mind on things that are healthy, sane and competent to uphold. Anything that has to do with any of these, think on it. 

IV. Whatever Is Pure 
Thinking on whatever is pure means; thinking on something free of pollutants, immoral behavior or qualities. It's something clean. For further understanding, read it up in the previous post of “#Ability To Prove The Good, The Acceptable and The Perfect Pt 3 _The Progressive Mind#". Set your mind on things that are pure to maintain a transformed personality. 

Watch out for the next part of this series. And remain transformed by the renewing of your mind. 

From the desk of the 
#Excel In Excellence 
#Extracted from The Progressive Mind.


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