Ability To Prove The Good, The Acceptable and The Perfect Pt 9 _ The Progressive Mind

Romans 12:2 
And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. 

You are welcome to a fresh new day, which you shall surely Excel in Excellence. 

Previously we came to understand that to have a mind under renewing, which will be able to make a choice of the good, the acceptable and the perfect will of God, you must embark on the processes of mind renewing, which includes: Developing Extra Hunger for change and surmounting the feelings that militates against the renewing of the mind. 

In our today's devotion we will go on with the 5th point of the progressive mind; ‘Embark on The Mind Renewing Process

IV. Go For The Word (God's Word) 
Knowledge can be read from books, information can be got from documentation or documentaries, but wisdom cannot be read from any book, it comes from God. The easiest way to know more about God is through His words. God is seen in His word. He alone gives wisdom. The information from God's word can make one wise. The scripture says in Isaiah 26:3, “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee" (KJV). Feed your mind with the word; in place of all wrong conformity, replace with the truths in the word. Let it be lamp unto your feet (a guide to every step you take) and a light unto your path (an insight to your direction and destination). Your destination is to be a transformed personality but you need to be guided in every decision and choice you make on daily basis and also you need to have an insight, a vision (a light to your path) to your destination (your destiny), all these are all available in Gods word. The word of God is the greatest tool for the renewing of the mind. All the information you need to have a progressive mind in life is in the word. Go for the word! There are instructions and information everywhere that may look healthy to the mind but if they are not in line with the word, please discard them, it can be a bait to make the mind sick. In the progressive change of the mind, instructions from the scripture are constant, although strategies are to be learnt from time to time. Information gives you a formal formation which makes you in-for-a-motion. Information enhances your motion. An uninformed mind is a real deformed mind. Go for the word today and set your mind on the reliable continuous speed lane of renewing 

Watch out for the next part of this series. 

From the desk of the 
#Excel In Excellence 
#Extracted from The Progressive Mind.


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