Ability To Prove The Good, The Acceptable and The Perfect Pt 4 _ The Progressive Mind

Romans  12:2
Do not be conformed to this world (this age), [fashioned after and adapted to its external, superficial customs], but be transformed (changed) by the [entire] renewal of your mind [by its new ideals and its new attitude], so that you may prove [for yourselves] what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God, even the thing which is good and acceptable and perfect [in His sight for you].__Amplified

You are welcome to a fresh new day, which you shall Excel in Excellence.

Previously, we came to understand that for one to have a Progressive Mind that can make a choice of the good, the acceptable and the perfect will of God for him/herself, such one must really
1. Understand How The Mind Affects The Body.
2. Understand How The Mind Is Conformed and also endeavor to stop it's conformity with the worlds standards. Read more about it in our previous post.

In today's devotion we shall continue with, the conformity of the mind.

3. You Must Understand The Conformity of The Mind
My fellow readers, if we must have a progressive mind. The Message Bible Translation reveals to us how we can stop conformity, it says; "Do not become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking.", which means before you imbibe any lesson from the environment and it's factors, you should apply a deep reasoning (thinking) to know if it is really inclined to the will of God who has the real standard for proper mind development.

The Amplified version further gave us an insight of what the conformity of the mind does to the healthiness of the mind. It likened conformity to fashion. It is obvious in this present age that one of the most unstable things we have is fashion (styles of wears). And you will be regarded as old fashion if you don't move with the trend of fashion, which in the real sense you are expected to be very unstable like fashion not to be referred to as an old fashioned individual. So to be fashioned after the superficial customs of your surroundings make your mind very sick.

To further explain conformity in the sense of fashion according to the Amplified version. Assume your mind to be a material and recall what happens to a material prepared to suit a fashion. Before a material will fit a particular design of fashion that a fashion designer has in mind, the material must lose its original state and will never regain its original state in any form or way again. So if the Amplified likened the conformity of the mind to the fashioning of the mind, then I can deduce the fact that a lot of minds have gone out of shape.

Many have lost their original God-given state, while some minds have gone too bad beyond recognition because they have cut off a lot of parts of their mind trying to fashion it to suit the standards of their friends in school as students. Most women and girls have cut off the vital parts of their mind with the scissors of greed, lust and wrong council just to suit the fashion of being referred to as sexy babes or ladies as regards fashion designing and also to be viewed as influential women or ladies in the society.

So make up your mind today to checkmate the conformity of your mind, so you can have a progressive mind, that leads to personality transformation, which in turn, can help you make a choice of what is good, acceptable and that perfect will of God for your life. Still on the conformity of the mind, watch out for the continuation in our next part of this series.


From the desk of the
#Excel In Excellence
#Extracted from The Progressive Mind.


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