Knowing Jesus The Christ Pt. 2

Matthew 16:13-17
16. And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God. 
17. And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven.

I know it has being understood that Jesus can be read from a book but JESUS CHRIST can't be read, he can only be revealed for him to be really known. Men knew him as a son of man, he himself also refers to himself as the son of man, so it will take you nothing else but a revelation beyond flesh and blood for you to know that He is the SON OF THE LIVING GOD.

If we take a look at our text again in verse 16, you will notice that Peter did not say thou art Jesus, because Jesus is a common name in the bible days. Even in our days, the Mexicans still answer Jesus. So you can know about the name Jesus without any revelation, but you can never know Christ without a revelation. That was why the bible scholars; teachers of the law and pharisees could not recognise him in the bible days.

JESUS CHRIST has to be revealed by revelation. It was a revelation that helped the wise men to identify him in a manger. Then let us come to this aspect of revelation, how does it really work?

It starts by the conviction of the heart by the Spirit, that Jesus is The Lord, via the entrance of Gods word of salvation. It can be a spoken word, a written word or a whispered word in the innermost part of man. This conviction leads to the brokenness in the spirit that attracts the Spirit of God to take His place in your heart. Because a broken and a contrite spirit draws God closer (Psalms 34:18, 51:17). When it happens, it produces a reflection of emptiness, soberness, fear, unworthiness, helplessness and tears most times, that it will take only Christ to handle it. So when all these internal reactions have taken place, you begin to experience an unusual Joy that is unexplainable, right deep in your heart. Right there, their is a transformation going on in the spirit that makes you BORN AGAIN.

Then when you are born again, it gives you a better platform to work with Him. As you take your daily walk with Him, with a hunger of wanting to know him more, your inner eyes will begin to see the TRANSFIGURED JESUS. Because that same hunger in your heart will separate you from the other disciples, that same hunger will take you up to the Mount of transfiguration, where you will begin to see that same Jesus Joseph Jacob as JESUS CHRIST. On that mount of revelation you will begin to see Him no more as the son of man but as the SON OF THE LIVING GOD. Don't let any one deceive you that it has nothing to do with being born again. Because it has everything to do with being BORN AGAIN.


Not until you are BORN AGAIN, you can never understand the revelation of JESUS CHRIST. And when you understand it, you will know also that Jesus Christ died for us contrary to what that famous Nigeria celebrity wrote. He did not just live for us, He also died for us, He was crucified in our  stead and we RESURRECTED with him. So flesh and blood does not and CAN NOT reveal this truth in CHRIST.

My beloved, thrive to know CHRIST JESUS, because the strength of the Church lies on this revelation. This revelation is the ROCK that carries the Church. This is the time we need to come up with an assurance of faith, subscribe to this confession of Apostle Peter. Let us then, with a fervency of affection and adoration, go to Christ, and tell him: "LORD JESUS, THOU ART THE CHRIST, THE SON OF THE LIVING GOD".

If you are not yet born again, you need to do so today. Join this family where the Revelation of Christ is being given on our daily walk with him. Its an awesome experience. Knowing Him more, is our heart desire. Glory!!!


From the desk of the
#Excel In Excellence.


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