When The Wine Is Finished Part 3
John 2:3-10
And when they wanted wine, the mother of Jesus saith unto him, They have no wine._v 3
His mother saith unto the servants, Whatsoever he saith unto you, do it._ vs 5
My dear readers, welcome once again
into a brand new day, make proper use of it.
Most times the solution to hard
problems are hidden beneath simple instructions. Can you imagine someone
introducing you to someone that will help you out of the dryness and the
embarrassment you have found yourself, and the person gives you a simple
statement to prepare your heart and that statement is: "WHATSOEVER HE
SAITH UNTO YOU, DO IT". The statement really sounds simple, but I really
need to tell you that the execution is difficult.
My concern about this statement is
that it can't be understood by just hearing it. But many of us have always
thought in our hearts that we understand the statement, whereas we are really
far from its comprehension. I have come to discover that many of us who think
we understand that statement, actually interprets it this way: "WHATSOEVER
MEANINGFUL HE TELLS YOU TO DO, DO IT". Because I have seen men and women
who have one time or the other boasted in their lives that they believe every
word that proceeds out of the mouth of God, struggle with simple instructions,
because to some of them the instruction does not make sense. Why to some it
does not sound like the God they have known in their much learning and
experiences. This is applicable mostly with the high status believers, the
prominent men who deep in their hearts always think, they are better than many
people following them answering them sir or Ma. What a pity!
Please my dear readers believe me
when I tell you this. If it were the leaders of the occasion Jesus told to FILL
THE BIG SIX POTS because the wine was finished, that dryness and embarrassment
would have continued. Because it does not make sense. But the servants took
their time to do it. The scripture says one of the pots contains 20 to 30
gallons of water. Take for instance 20liters gallon 20 to 30 then you multiply
it by 6 pots. But these servants did it and filled it to the brim. Just because
a woman told them whatsoever he tells you to do, do it.
This message goes to particularly
those ones that have at least invited Jesus into their hearts, homes, business,
offices etc. It is not enough to just know, that you are supposed to do
whatsoever he tells you to do, you should also endeavour not to lean on your
own understanding, learn how to fight any opposing knowledge, status, height,
levels or influence that will make you not to do whatsoever he tells you to do.
Develop a servant mentality with Christ. A servant does not question
instructions, he follows instructions.
The good news about those servants
in that feast, was that they were the first set of persons to experience the
awesome power of divine supply. Not just that, they also became the source of a
better wine. The scripture says that the Governor of the feast did not know
where the wine came from but the servants were aware. There is a special
announcement, it may be true that the wine in your family is finished or almost
finished, but there is a better wine and only the servants know the source. So
strip yourself off your pride and social status, humble yourself and join the
band of them that are foolishly obeying the Master Jesus Christ, the LORD of
all. Then you can enjoy a better wine.
In the early hours of the first day
of this month (01062016), I was asking the Lord what to do to survive this
season, when the Spirit of the Lord, impressed this message in my heart with an
unusual pressure. One word that keep ringing in my heart was: "FILL YOUR
POTS TO THE BRIM". I keep pondering over that and meditating, when the
Spirit came to my aid again. I heard the voice in my heart "FILL THEM WITH
THE WORD AND SACRIFICES". It became clearer to me that I have to start
filling my Six Pots from this Sixth month. Since then I decided to double my
sacrificial life. I have been sowing and sacrificing like a fool, studying more
like mad, because this sixth month has to be full to the brim.
Before we end this series, let us
outline things we must take note of from this message.
When The Wine Is Finished, things
you should do:
1. Invite Jesus to the ceremony.
2. Make Him the LORD of all.
3. Tell Him about the situation.
Don't assume he knows.
4. Introduce Jesus as the solution.
Don't keep silent.
5. Develop a servant life style ( A
humble, willing and obedient heart to every instruction from the Lord).
6. Fill your pots to the brim, with
the Word and Sacrifice.
After all these things, get ready
because Governors and prominent men, will drink your wine in these season of
draught. And your wine shall be better.
Please always bear in mind that GOD
Remain blessed as we always do,
whatsoever he tells us to do.
From the desk of the:
Excel In Excellence
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