
Showing posts from November, 2016


MAKING MONEY WITHOUT STRESS In this country we advertise peoples products for free. We make recommendations of products that satisfied us in every area of our lives for free, ranging from the clothes we wear, shoes we wear, phones & gadgets we use/operate, music we listen to even edible things we eat. We direct people to stores, plazas, boutiques, shops, industries, companies, sites and places where we got the products that satisfied us without any advert compensation from the companies. Learn how to make money for every direction & recommendation you make to any one without stress. At first i was skeptical about it, until i tried it and saw the outcome. There is a link in this similar post that was posted previously on this blog (MAKING MONEY WITHOUT STRESS), click on it. 


MAKING MONEY WITHOUT STRESS In this country we advertise peoples products for free. We make recommendations of products that satisfied us in every area of our lives for free, ranging from the clothes we wear, shoes we wear, phones & gadgets we use/operate, music we listen to even edible things we eat. We direct people to stores, plazas, boutiques, shops, industries, companies, sites and places where we got the products that satisfied us without any advert compensation from the companies. Learn how to make money for every direction & recommendation you make to any one without stress. At first i was skeptical about it, until i tried it and saw the outcome. Click on this link and see for yourself

DEW 26112016

  Daily Excelling Wisdom (DEW).    Every failure have explanations , so also success. The explanations of failure are excuses why the explanations of success are principles . There are always principles backing every success including this one. If you want to be recorded a success develop a principle of success today and stop playing the excuses game. Shalom!  #ChiefExceller  #TEWFT  #HouseOfExcellersOutreach (HEXO).


  SPECIAL MESSAGE TO ALL FAITHFUL AND COMMITTED MARRIED LOVERS I dedicate this love message to my one and only lover; My Wife and my little Princess, today being my two years anniversary of a happy home. 22112016 WHO IS A HAPPY MARRIED MAN?   A HAPPY MAN is the man who has Jesus Christ in his heart and a HAPPY WOMAN in his house. A HAPPY MAN   is the man who has ONE WIFE who can give him any kind of Emotional, Romantic and Sexual Satisfaction any other maiden out there could give him. A HAPPY MAN is the man who is not ashamed to introduce HIS WOMAN to his colleagues and friends.   A HAPPY MAN is the man that THE MOTHER OF HIS CHILDREN  has taught his children how to Respect, Adore, Cherish, and Believes in him, even in his absence. A HAPPY MAN is the man who is not afraid to endure the hunger after work, just to go home because there is a sumptuous meal waiting for him at home carefully prepar...


THE EXCELLING WORD FOR TODAY  The Transformed Personality Part 2 Romans 12:2  And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.  You are welcome to a fresh new day, which you shall surely Excel in Excellence. …Continuation   1. IMBIBE A RIGHTFUL THINKING   Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honourable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise...(NAS). ...think on and weigh and take account of these things [fix your mind on them] _Philippians 4:8 (Amplified) . In our previous post, things a transformed personality should set his/her mind on were itemised. So in today's devotion the tips continues; things to think about as a transformed personality:  V. Whatever Is Lovely Love is a beautiful thing....


THE EXCELLING WORD FOR TODAY The Transformed Personality Part 1 Romans 12:2  And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.  You are welcome to a fresh new day, which you shall surely Excel in Excellence. To be transformed is to be changed completely. Renewing the mind results into a transformed personality (“be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind). Anything that affects the mind affects the personality. The Transformation of an individual may not actually affect the physical stature of the individual but must surely affect the physical outlook of such individual . In the aspect of transformation of the personality, the basic aspect of the man that is touched is the character of the individual. A transformed personality is a transformed character with a progressive mind . To be able to comprehend this truth very well, consider these keys:...


THE EXCELLING WORD FOR TODAY Ability To Prove The Good, The Acceptable and The Perfect Pt 10 _ The Progressive Mind Romans 12:2  And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. You are welcome to a fresh new day, which you shall surely Excel in Excellence.  In our today's devotion we will continue with the 5th point of the progressive mind; ‘Embark on The Mind Renewing Process' . ...Continuation .  IV. Go For The (God's) Word . Simple Exercises of God's Word   And these words which I am commanding you this day shall be [first] in your own minds and hearts; [then] you shall whet and sharpen them so as to make them penetrate, and teach and impress them diligently upon the [minds and] hearts of your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down and when you...