1 Samuel 10:9 
And it was so, that when he had turned his back to go from Samuel, God gave him another heart: and all those signs came to pass that day. 

King Saul of the bible days was a very timid fellow, a shy person who has no physical traits of leadership in him, who thinks the only thing he was good for, was his family's business. He continued in this delusion, until the signs of greatness started unveiling.  

1. The loss 
2. The Sent One  
3. The Anointing
My dear readers, having understood the reason for the loss and the sent one, we shall now see the place of the anointing. King Saul was anointed with oil by Prophet Samuel, followed by other signs before he was transformed into his better self. For a proper understanding about the Anointing, we will concisely explain the meaning from the two major biblical stand. 

1. The New Testament Greek words for anoint are 
i) “Chrio", which means “to smear or rub with oil" and 
ii) “Aleipho", which means “to anoint"

2. Another meaning for the word “Anointed" in the Bible is “Chosen One". The Bible says Jesus Christ was anointed by God with the Holy Spirit to spread the good news and deliver those who have been held captive by sin (Luke 4:18-19). With these definitions we can deduce from it that every believer in Christ (Christian), is anointed (Chosen), because after Jesus left the earth, He gave us the gift of the Holy Spirit (John 14:16). Presently all Christians are anointed (1st. John 2:20, 2nd Corinthians 1:21-22), chosen for a specific assignment. As regard being chosen, we are already anointed, we are not waiting to be anointed or praying and fasting to be anointed. The Almighty has empowered and chosen us by His Spirit for His work. 

Please take note of this, we all have been anointed by the Holy Spirit to do His work but it has been noticed that many do it with stress while some others do it with ease. The difference between these two set of people can be seen in our first definition of anointing (Chrio and Aleipho); to smear or rub with oil. By implication it means to consecrate one for an office or for a specific service. This aspect brings the ease in doing Gods work. And that oil to do with ease, that which you have been anointed to do, is in the life of another vessel which happened to be your sent priest/mentor. All you need is a rub off from them. 

Before King Saul was anointed (smear with oil) by Prophet Samuel, he was already chosen (Anointed) by God. See what God told Samuel in 1st Samuel 9:17; And when Samuel saw Saul, the LORD said unto him, Behold the man whom I spake to thee of! this same shall reign over my people. When you observed that scripture, you will see that God was talking as though this has been concluded, he was talking about past tense “...the man whom I spoke to thee of....", then He linked it to the future “this same SHALL reign over my people". You need the rub off oil, for your greatness. Don't be too proud to submit yourself to the one who has the oil for what you need or where you are going to. This oil goes beyond the physical oil. Although there is nothing wrong in anointing a person with oil today. We just have to make sure that the purpose of anointing is in agreement with the scriptures. Anointing should not be viewed as a “magic portion". You have been chosen (anointed) by God with the Holyghost for His work and you need to do it with so much ease by aligning yourself with your sent Priest/Mentor for a rub off. Because that oil is transferred from vessel to vessel. Please bear in mind that the anointing is not for arrogance but a sign for greatness. 

Say This Prayer 
Oh Lord help me to maximize your calling and your oil over my life. May I not abuse your oil of greatness in my life and destiny. 

From the desk of the 
#Excel In Excellence


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