That Bread Is Not Enough Part 2



Matthew 4:4 
But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God. 

Prior to this we understood what Jesus meant when he said man shall not leave by bread alone. And we were able to understand also that the word bread in the above scripture is beyond food. Bread means: satisfaction, money, comfort, gain or food. Anything you do in life that gives you money, gives you food, help you make gains (properties, positions & material things), gives you physical comfort and satisfies just your flesh and soul (will, emotion and mind), are all classified as bread. 

If really humans are not expected to live by “bread" alone, which means the bread is not enough for us, then what do we live by? What is that thing or those things that one can be doing that will be able to sustain him/her? I am so excited in my Spirit how Jesus completed this answer. Jesus said humans should live by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God. The emphasis here is not on the ‘word’ but on ‘every word'. Every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God. Not you surfing through the words and choosing the one that will fit you. When JESUS says that humans are expected to live by every word, then it means every word of God has a role to play in our day to day lives. 

By scriptural understanding i have come to grasp that we have 3 classes of God's Word: 
1. The Written Word. 
2. The Revelational Word. &  
3. The Spoken Word. 

For you to be able to understand every word that proceeds out of God's Mouth you need to know and clearly understand the Written Word, before you can proceed to understanding the Revelational Word then you will go further to speaking it as the Spoken Word. Even Jesus who is the Word himself; the word made flesh, could not do without the Written Word. He said “It is written....". When he said that, he was referring to the book of Deuteronomy 8:3. Please don't be deceive thinking the audible voice you hear is powerful enough to guiding you. Any audible voice (Spoken Word or Revelational Word) you hear that contradicts the Written Word is never from God and will never be from God. So be an addicted student of God's Written Word in all your day to day endeavours, never take it for granted, do not play with it, do not overlook it, do not select the part to read. Left for me I least expected Jesus to quote Deuteronomy in a face to face combat with Satan himself. So to your market add God's Word. To your office routine add God's Word. To your education add God's Word. To your investments add God's Word. To your career add God's Word. To your business add God's Word. To your doing menial jobs to survive add God's Word. In everything you do in life add God's Word to it, because if you add God's word, God's word has the potency to correct every illegitimate bread and has the capability to multiply any legitimate bread. 

Always bear in mind that, that bread is not enough, but rather every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God is enough to sustain you. 

From the desk of the 
#Excel In Excellence


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