Matthew 13:3-8,18-23 21. 
But since they have no root, they last only a short time. When trouble or persecution comes because of the word, they quickly fall away (NIV). 

Please take note that all the seeds that the sower sowed, had one impact or the other on the receiving ground. Some fell on a walking path, which represents the people who hear the Word of God but don't understand it. Some others fell on the rocky ground, which represents the hearts that receives the Word of God with excitement but does not have a strong root in their hearts. Also some other fell on thorns, which represents the people who gets the Word but the worries and deceitfulness of Riches never allowed it to grow at all. While the other few fell on good ground which represents the people who hear and understand in their hearts.  

NOTE Because of the Word: 
1. The Birds Came. 
2. The Heat Arose. 
3. The Thorns Grew. 

Then finally In this final part of this message we will be looking at: 
4. Growth Was Inevitable. 
Whenever Gods Word locates a man, the truth remains that the prior listed points, will always occur. Then if after all the attacks of the enemy to pick the Word by Stealing, Crush it by Withering and Choke it, were not accomplished. The Word by it self has no other option than to grow. And also it is a sign that the Word fell on a good ground 

Please my dear reader, I really want you to bear it in mind that the good ground that was talked about in our text, was not just a type of heart that is independent from other types of hearts. No! It is a type of heart that survived all the other attacks that made the other ones to fall. This particular heart has to be tested before it has to be approved. The scripture says in vs 23 “But the seed falling on good soil refers to someone who hears the word and understands it....” NIV. 

This heart is referred to as a good soil because the owner takes his/her time to digest any given Word of God he/she hears. It does not take it casually, so no Word falls on the road side. It does not allow excitement to deprive him from digging dip into what he has heard, so he makes sure the Word has a strong root in his heart. It does not also receives Gods Word amongst thorns, so he/she does not allow the pleasures/care of life and deceitfulness of riches to choke Gods Word. He handles the thorns before receiving the Word, so the Word will have a favourable ground to grow. That is why such heart is called the good ground

Hallelujah! The most encouraging part of the Word is that it causes growth. Because of the Word, the good ground produced fruit; “...which also beareth fruit, and bringeth forth, some an hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty". You can not receive Gods Word in a ready and prepared heart without you bearing fruit. The Word must surely cause you to bear fruit, in 100 fold, 60 fold or 30 fold. No matter who you are, the least fold fruit you are expected to produce is 30. Which means in all you do Gods Word is capable of given you an increase of 30 at least. My prayer for we all who have devoted ourselves to the hearing and understanding of Gods Word, is for us to keep enjoying the unstoppable increase of Gods word in our lives. And for all who are still struggling to hear and understand Gods Word that they will be able to go down in humility to the Porter's house and allow the porter to mend their hearts to suit His purpose. So they can locate their fold place of production. 

Nothing can stop you from producing fruit of greatness this season in the Victorious Name Of Jesus Christ. Amen! 

From the desk of the 
#Excel In Excellence


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