A Happy New Year Needs A Happy New You

Complement of the season to all who made it into 2017 and is still moving on by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is our year of ALL ROUND POSSIBILITIES!

Last two years in the month of October 2015, i was posted to a rural community for a mission assignment. I had an experience which i will like to share.

The place where i was meant to stay for the whole period of the assignment had a sizable bathroom, but with a small bathing sink, so whenever i take my bath water spills all over the floor of the bathroom which warrants it to be swept out, for the floor to be properly dried and tidied. Most of the rural dwellers will understand what i mean to have a bathroom you sweep always whenever you finished taking your bath, but most people living in big towns and cities may not understand what i mean, still all the same, relax and enjoy the lessons i learn from this experience.

So one faithful day i got a new strong and long bunch of broom to enable me do the sweepings. Everyday whenever anyone takes his/her bath they will always use the broom to sweep the floor or even clean the entire bathroom. It never dawned on me that something was happening to that single bunch of broom, until recently in this new year, i finished taking my bath one of the days and really felt like sweeping the whole bathroom. I picked up the bunch of broom and it immediately flashed into my mind the very day i took that bunch of broom into the bathroom. I could not believe my eyes when it dawned on me. The bunch of broom was looking short, so small and very dirty to even behold.

After that i still overlooked it and never felt like it was anything to me. Until three (3) days later one of the members of my family went into the bathroom to take her bath and came out almost immediately to tell me she wants to throw the bunch of broom in the bathroom away, so she could get another one better, because it was too short. She never said the bunch of broom has become too short, rather she said and i quote; "...i want to throw away that broom in the bathroom and replace it with the other one we are using at the corridor, because it is too short". There was nothing i could do to prevent it anymore, then i was forced to agree.  Immediately the whole incidence came back afresh. Then i began thinking what could have affected the bunch of broom to that extent in just about one (1) year four (4) months , in the cycle of my thinking, the answer popped up in my mind and i learn my lessons:

1. The broom was always working everyday, serving everybody in the house but was never attended to. If you are like that bunch of broom, you worked through out last year without giving time to take care of your self, that means you will soon park up or you have any gadget/person that has been serving you without paying attention to rest and care, be ready to throw away that gadget/person the way i threw away that bunch of broom. When it happens never you say it is the devil, NO! you are your own devil.

2. The deteriorating state of the bunch of broom did not occur suddenly, it took some time (almost one year four months). So no matter how beautiful, talented, energetic or vibrant you are, if you do not take out time to pay attention to yourself regularly, time will worn you out, trust me.

3. The only time that bunch of broom got my attention, were that initial period i took it into the bathroom and the time i discovered it is no more useful to me again. So also it is with humans, the only time you get their attention is when you are new and when you are worn out. When you are new and fresh, they desire to have you, but when you have rendered the expected services for a period of time and worn out, they desire to throw you away. They will never notice you need attention as long as you are effective rendering your services. Please let us be wise to our selves and to our work tools. 

4. That my family member who threw away the bunch of broom, used an immediate word for that bunch of broom; "...it is too short...". No matter how beautiful you were, do not expect people to always see you the way you use to be. Your immediate identity matters a lot.

5. The bunch of broom was thrown away at the beginning of the year, when every one is still enjoying the euphoria of the new year. What a tragedy.

After all these lessons i came to tell my self, that it is better to have a Happy New Me than to have a Happy New Year. And also i come to realise that it is your responsibility to keep yourself effective, relevant and desirable every time, do not expect much from people.  So in this year, i say to you all; HAPPY NEW YEAR AND HAPPY NEW YOU. 

From the desk of the
Excel In Excellence.


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