THE EXCELLING WORD FOR TODAY 1st Peter 2:2 "As new born babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby" The Church and the world of today have misunderstood christian maturity. The world today misinterprets constant religious activities and packaging as spiritual maturity. While the church of today has misinterpreted not just spiritual/religious packaging and activities (commitment to service, fasting and praying, dressing in a particular manner) but also Charismatic Exuberance (ability to carry congregation along in spiritual activities; like preaching, moderating, singing or acting ability to make programs lively etc, ), Ministerial Performances (becoming a Pastor, Prophet, Evangelist, Teacher, Apostle, Bishop, Reverend Minister, Deacons, Deaconesses, Head of Departments etc) and manifestation of Spiritual Gifts (ability to; speak in tongues, pray, recite scriptures, quote bible verses, prophesy, do miracles etc) as spiritual maturity...